The activity of the IMPC research units covers research on a wide range of materials: Polymers, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, metals, oxides.
The Material Institute of Paris Center (IMPC) is a Research Federation (FR) created in January 2002 under the dual supervision of the CNRS (Chemistry Department) and Sorbonne Université (Faculty of Chemistry). The secondary affiliations are ESPCI and Collège de France, to which the SIMM and LCMCP laboratories are attached respectively.
IMPC is composed of six research units located on the campus Pierre et Marie Curie of Sorbonne Université (Paris) and at the ESPCI. These various research units include 148 professors and CNRS researchers, 70 technical staffs and about 100 non-permanent staff.
The research units of IMPC represent the many facets of the chemistry of materials at Paris-Centre, combining the synthesis of bulk and porous materials, nanomaterials, thin films, organic-inorganic hybrids, biomaterials, polymers as well as their characterization by advanced and in-situ methods and the study of their chemical and physical properties: optical, magnetic, electrochemical and their reactivity (catalysis) for applications in fields related to energy, health, environment or the conservation of cultural heritage.
One of the main objectives of IMPC is to develop high-performance technical platforms at the service of researchers and open outside of Sorbonne Université (academic and industrial laboratories): transmission and scanning electron microscopy, solid and liquid state NMR, X-ray diffusion and diffraction, photoelectron spectrometry (XPS) and NMR relaxometry.
The main missions of IMPC are to federate the research in the field of the chemistry of materials in Paris-Centre, to promote collaboration between partner research units and to promote and develop technical platforms for analysis.
(Illustration of the article A versatile strategy towards non-covalent functionalization of graphene...
Ping Du, D. Bléger, F. Charra, V. Bouchiat, D. Kreher and al. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 632–639. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.64)
La FCMat en chiffres
- 6 laboratoires
- 160 chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs
- 74 BIATSS et ITA
Direction :
Xavier Carrier (xavier.carrier @
Secrétariat, administration et réservation des salles de réunion :
Coordonnées :
Tour 44/43
3ème étage
Pièce 320
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05
Tél : 01 44 27 31 89
Webmaster :
Fernande SARRAZIN (fernande.sarrazin @
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